
Search, Order and Download

from eodms_rapi import EODMSRAPI

# Initialize EODMSRAPI using your EODMS account credentials
rapi = EODMSRAPI('eodms-username', 'eodms-password')

# Set a polygon of geographic centre of Canada using GeoJSON
feat = [('INTERSECTS', {"type":"Polygon", "coordinates":[[[-95.47,61.4],\

# Set date ranges
dates = [{"start": "20190101_000000", "end": "20210621_000000"}]

# Set search filters
filters = {'Beam Mode Type': ('LIKE', ['%50m%']),
            'Polarization': ('=', 'HH HV'),
            'Incidence Angle': ('>=', 17)}

# Set the results fields

# Submit search
rapi.search("RCMImageProducts", filters, feat, dates, result_fields, 2)

# Get results
res = rapi.get_results('full')

# Now order the images
order_res = rapi.order(res)

# Download images to a specific destination
dest = "C:\\TEMP"
dn_res = rapi.download(order_res, dest)

# Print results

Get Available Order Parameters for an Image

from eodms_rapi import EODMSRAPI

# Initialize EODMSRAPI using EODMS account credentials
rapi = EODMSRAPI('username', 'password')

# Get the order parameters for RCM image with Record ID 7627902
param_res = rapi.get_order_parameters('RCMImageProducts', '7627902')

# Print the parameters
print(f"param_res: {param_res}")

Cancel an Existing Order Item

from eodms_rapi import EODMSRAPI

# Initialize EODMSRAPI using your EODMS account credentials
rapi = EODMSRAPI('eodms-username', 'eodms-password')

# Cancel the order item with Order ID 48188 and Order Item ID 289377
delete_res = rapi.cancel_order_item('48188', '289377')

Get a List of Available Fields for a Collection

from eodms_rapi import EODMSRAPI

# Initialize EODMSRAPI using your EODMS account credentials
rapi = EODMSRAPI('eodms-username', 'eodms-password')

# Get the available field information for RCMImageProducts collection
fields = rapi.get_available_fields('RCMImageProducts')

>>> {'search': {'Special Handling Required': {'id': 'RCM.SPECIAL_HANDLING_REQUIRED', 'datatype': 'String'}, ...},
    'results': {'Buyer Id': {'id': 'ARCHIVE_IMAGE.AGENCY_BUYER', 'datatype': 'Integer'}, ...}

# Get a list of available field IDs for RCMImageProducts collection
field_ids = rapi.get_available_fields('RCMImageProducts', name_type='id')


# Get a list of available field names used to submit searches (rapi.search())
field_titles = rapi.get_available_fields('RCMImageProducts', name_type='title')

>>> {'search': ['Special Handling Required', 'Client Order Number', 'Order Key', ...],
    'results': ['Buyer Id', 'Archive Visibility Start Date', 'Client Order Item Number', ...]