Source code for eodms_rapi.eodms

# MIT License
# Copyright (c) His Majesty the King in Right of Canada, as
# represented by the Minister of Natural Resources, 2023
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a 
# copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), 
# to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation 
# the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, 
# and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the 
# Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in 
# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

import os
# import sys
import requests
# import logging
import logging.config
import traceback
import urllib
import json
# import csv
import datetime
import pytz
import time
# import pprint
import dateparser
import re
import dateutil.parser
from import tzlocal
from urllib.parse import urlencode
# from urllib.parse import urlparse
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
from xml.etree import ElementTree
from warnings import warn

from import tqdm

from .geo import EODMSGeo

OTHER_FORMAT = '| %(name)s | %(levelname)s: %(message)s', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'

logger = logging.getLogger('EODMSRAPI')

# Set handler for output to terminal
ch = logging.NullHandler()
formatter = logging.Formatter('| %(name)s | %(asctime)s | %(levelname)s: '
                              '%(message)s', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')

RECORD_KEYS = ["recordId", "overviewUrl", "collectionId", "metadata2",
               "rapiOrderUrl", "geometry", "title", "orderExecuteUrl",
               "thumbnailUrl", "metadataUrl", "isGeorectified",
               "collectionTitle", "isOrderable", "thisRecordUrl",

[docs]class QueryError: """ The QueryError class is used to store error information for a query. """ def __init__(self, msgs): """ Initializer for QueryError object which stores an error message. :param msgs: The error message to print. :type msgs: str """ self.msgs = msgs
[docs] def get_msgs(self, as_str=False): """ Gets the messages stored with the QueryError. :param as_str: Determines whether to return a string or a list of messages. :type as_str: boolean :return: Either a string or a list of messages. :rtype: str or list """ if as_str: if isinstance(self.msgs, list): return ' '.join(filter(None, self.msgs)) return self.msgs
def _set_msgs(self, msgs): """ Sets the messages stored with the QueryError. :param msgs: Can either be a string or a list of messages. :type msgs: str or list """ self.msgs = msgs
[docs] def set_queryTimeout(self, timeout): warn("Method 'set_queryTimeout' is deprecated. Please use " "'set_query_timeout'.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) self.set_query_timeout(timeout)
[docs] def set_orderTimeout(self, timeout): warn("Method 'set_orderTimeout' is deprecated. Please use " "'set_order_timeout'.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) self.set_order_timeout(timeout)
[docs] def set_fieldConvention(self, convention): warn("Method 'set_fieldConvention' is deprecated. Please use " "'set_field_convention'.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) self.set_field_convention(convention)
[docs] def get_availableFields(self, collection=None, name_type='all'): warn("Method 'get_availableFields' is deprecated. Please use " "'get_available_fields'.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return self.get_available_fields(collection, name_type)
[docs] def get_fieldChoices(self, collection, field=None): warn("Method 'get_fieldChoices' is deprecated. Please use " "'get_field_choices'.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return self.get_field_choices(collection, field)
[docs] def get_orderItem(self, itemId): warn("Method 'get_orderItem' is deprecated. Please use " "'get_order_item'.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return self.get_order_item(itemId)
[docs] def get_ordersByRecords(self, records): warn("Method 'get_ordersByRecords' is deprecated. Please use " "'get_orders_by_records'.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return self.get_orders_by_records(records)
[docs] def get_orderParameters(self, collection, recordId): warn("Method 'get_orderParameters' is deprecated. Please use " "'get_order_parameters'.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return self.get_order_parameters(collection, recordId)
[docs] def get_rapiUrl(self): warn("Method 'get_rapiUrl' is deprecated. Please use " "'get_rapi_url'.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return self.get_rapi_url()
[docs] def cancel_orderItem(self, orderId, itemId): warn("Method 'cancel_orderItem' is deprecated. Please use " "'cancel_order_item'.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return self.cancel_order_item(orderId, itemId)
############################################################### def _check_complete(self, complete_items, record_id): """ Checks if an order item has already been downloaded. :param complete_items: A list of completed order items. :type complete_items: list :param record_id: The record ID of the image. :type record_id: int :return: True if already downloaded, False if not. :rtype: boolean """ return any(i['recordId'] == record_id for i in complete_items) def _check_auth(self, in_err=None): """ Checks if the error results from the RAPI are unauthorized. :param in_err: The QueryError containing the error from the RAPI. :type in_err: QueryError :return: True if unauthorized, False if not. :rtype: boolean """ if in_err is None: query_url = f"{self.rapi_root}/collections?format=json" coll_res = self._submit(query_url, timeout=20.0) # print(f"coll_res: {coll_res}") if isinstance(coll_res, QueryError): in_err = coll_res else: return False self.err_msg = in_err.get_msgs(True) if self.err_msg.find('401 - Unauthorized') > -1 or \ self.err_msg.find('HTTP Error: 401 Client Error') > -1 or \ self.err_msg.find('Unauthorized') > -1: # Inform the user if the error was caused by an authentication # issue. self.err_msg = "An authentication error has occurred while " \ "trying to access the EODMS RAPI. Please ensure " \ "your account login is in good standing on the actual " \ "website," \ "index-en.html." self.err_occurred = True self.auth_err = True self.log_msg(self.err_msg, 'error') return True return False def _convert_date(self, date, in_forms=None, out='string', out_form="%Y%m%d_%H%M%S"): """ Converts a date to a specified format. :param date: The input date to convert. :type date: str or datetime.datetime :param in_forms: Specifies the input formats of the date. :type in_forms: list :param out: The type of output date, either 'string' or 'date' (i.e. datetime.datetime) :type out: str :param out_form: Specifies the output format for the date. :type out_form: str :return: The date in the specified format. :rtype: str or datetime.datetime """ if in_forms is None: in_forms = ['%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'] if isinstance(date, datetime.datetime): return date.isoformat() if out_form == 'iso' \ else date.strftime(out_form) elif isinstance(date, str): if isinstance(in_forms, str): in_forms = [in_forms] for form in in_forms: try: out_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(date, form) return out_date if out == 'date' \ else out_date.strftime(out_form) except ValueError as e: self.msg = f"{str(e).capitalize()}. Date will not be " \ f"included in query." self.log_msg(self.msg, 'warning') except Exception: self.msg = traceback.format_exc() self.log_msg(self.msg, 'warning') def _convert_field(self, field, collection, field_type='search'): """ Converts a field to either a field name or a field ID, depending on the input. :param field: The input field name or field ID. :type field: str :param collection: The collection ID containing the fields. :type collection: str :param field_type: Retrieves either the 'search' fields or the 'result' fields. :type field_type: str :return: Either the field name or the field ID. :rtype: str """ fields = self.get_available_fields(collection, 'all')[field_type] for k, v in fields.items(): if field == k: return v['id'] elif field == v['id']: return k
[docs] def get_conv(self, field): """ Converts a field name into the set naming convention (self.name_conv). :param field: The field name. :type field: str :return: The field name with the proper naming convention ('words', 'upper' or 'camel'). :rtype: str """ if self.name_conv not in ['words', 'upper']: return self._to_camel_case(field) # Remove bracketted string for 'upper' if self.name_conv == 'upper': field = re.sub(r"\([^()]*\)", "", field) field = field.strip() # Separate into words if field.find(' ') > -1: words = field.split(' ') else: words = re.findall('.+?(?:(?<=[a-z])(?=[A-Z])|(?<=' '[A-Z])(?=[A-Z][a-z])|$)', field) words = [w[0].upper() + w[1:] for w in words] if self.name_conv == 'words': return ' '.join(words) elif self.name_conv == 'upper': return '_'.join([w.upper() for w in words])
def _fetch_metadata(self, max_workers=4, len_timeout=20.0, show_progress=True): """ Fetches all metadata for a given record (Adapted from: eodms-api-client ( developed by Mike Brady) :param max_workers: The number of threads used for retrieving the metadata. :type max_workers: int :param len_timeout: The length of time in seconds before the thread returns a timeout warning. :type len_timeout: float :param show_progress: Determines whether to show the progress (use tqdm) when fetching the metadata :type show_progress: bool :return: A list containing the metadata for all items in the self.results :rtype: list """ metadata_fields = self._get_meta_keys() if isinstance(metadata_fields, QueryError): self.msg = "Could not generate metadata for the results." self.log_msg(self.msg, 'warning') return None if isinstance(self.results, dict): self.results = [self.results] if show_progress: n_urls = len(self.results) with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=max_workers) as executor: out_results = list( tqdm( self._fetch_single_record_metadata, self.results, [len_timeout] * n_urls, ), desc=f'{self._header}Fetching result metadata', total=n_urls, miniters=1, unit='item' ) ) else: out_results = [] for res in self.results: mdata = self._fetch_single_record_metadata(res, len_timeout) out_results.append(mdata) return out_results def _fetch_single_record_metadata(self, record, timeout): # , keys): """ Fetches a single image's metadata. (Adapted from: eodms-api-client ( developed by Mike Brady) :param record: A dictionary of an image record. :type record: dict :param timeout: The time in seconds to wait before timing out. :type timeout: float :return: Dictionary containing the keys and geometry metadata for the given image. :rtype: dict """ record_url = f"{record['thisRecordUrl']}?format=json" r = self._submit(record_url, timeout=timeout, as_json=False) if r is None or self.err_occurred: return None if isinstance(r, QueryError): err_msg = f"Could not retrieve full metadata due to: " \ f"{r.get_msgs(True)}" self.log_msg(err_msg, 'warning') record['issue'] = err_msg image_res = record elif r.ok: image_res = r.json() else: err_msg = "Could not retrieve metadata." self.log_msg(err_msg, 'warning') image_res = record return self.parse_metadata(image_res) def _get_date_range(self, items): """ Gets the date range for a list of items (images). :param items: A list of items. :type items: list :return: A tuple with the start and end date of the range. :rtype: tuple """ eastern = pytz.timezone('US/Eastern') dates = [] for i in items: rapi_str = i.get('dateRapiOrdered') if rapi_str is None: rapi_str = i.get('dateSubmitted') if rapi_str is None: return None rapi_date = dateutil.parser.parse(rapi_str) # Convert UTC to Eastern rapi_date = rapi_date.astimezone(eastern) dates.append(rapi_date) dates.sort() start = dates[0] start = start - datetime.timedelta(hours=0, minutes=1) end = dates[-1] end = end + datetime.timedelta(hours=0, minutes=1) return start, end def _get_meta_keys(self): """ Gets a list of metadata (fields) keys for a given collection :return: A list of metadata keys :rtype: list """ if not self.rapi_collections: self.get_collections() if self.rapi_collections is None or self.err_occurred: return None fields = self.rapi_collections[self.collection]['fields']['results']. \ keys() return sorted(fields) def _get_exception(self, res, output='str'): """ Gets the Exception text (or XML) from an request result. :param res: The XML which will be checked for an exception. :type res: xml.etree.ElementTree.Element :param output: Determines what type of output should be returned (default='str'). Options: - 'str': returns the XML Exception as a string - 'tree': returns the XML Exception as a xml.etree.ElementTree.Element :type output: str :return: The Exception XML text or element depending on the output variable. :rtype: QueryError or xml.etree.ElementTree.Element """ in_str = res.text # If the input XML is None, return None if in_str is None: return None if self.is_json(in_str): return None # If the input is a string, convert it to a # xml.etree.ElementTree.Element # print(f"in_str: {in_str}") root = ElementTree.fromstring(in_str) \ if isinstance(in_str, str) else in_str # Cycle through the input XML and location the ExceptionText element out_except = [] for child in root.iter('*'): if child.tag.find('ExceptionText') > -1: return child if output == 'tree' else child.text elif child.tag.find('p') > -1: out_except.append(child.text) return QueryError(out_except) def _get_field_id(self, name, field_type='search'): """ Gets the field ID for a given field name. :param name: The field name. :type name: str :param field_type: The field type, either 'search' or 'result'. :type field_type: str :return: The proper field ID for the given name. :rtype: str """ field_id = None if field_type == 'search': fields = self.get_available_fields(name_type='all') if fields is None: return None fields = fields[field_type] # Check in available fields for k, v in fields.items(): if name == k: field_id = v['id'] break # If field_id is still None, check to make sure the # name entry is an ID if field_id is None: if name in [f['id'] for f in fields.values()]: return name return field_id elif field_type == 'results': fields = self.get_available_fields(name_type='all') if fields is None: return None fields = fields[field_type] # Check if results fields for k, v in fields.items(): if k.find(name) > -1: field_id = v['id'] # If field_id is still None, check to make sure the # name entry is an ID if field_id is None: if name in [f['id'] for f in fields.values()]: return name return field_id def _get_field_type(self, coll_id, field_id): """ Gets the field data type. :param coll_id: The collection ID. :type coll_id: str :param field_id: The field ID. :type field_id: str :return: The data type of the specified field. :rtype: str """ if not self.rapi_collections: self.get_collections() if self.rapi_collections is None or self.err_occurred: return None for k, v in self.rapi_collections[coll_id]['fields']['search'].items(): if v['id'] == field_id: return v['datatype'] def _get_item_from_orders(self, item_id, orders): """ Gets the order item ID from a list of order items (either from 'itemId' or 'ParentItemId'). :param item_id: The order item ID. :type item_id: int :param orders: A list of order items. :type orders: list :return: The specific order with the given order item ID. :rtype: dict """ for o in orders: if 'parameters' in o.keys(): if 'ParentItemId' in o['parameters'].keys(): if str(o['parameters']['ParentItemId']) == str(item_id): return o if str(o['itemId']) == str(item_id): return o
[docs] def is_json(self, my_json): """ Checks to see in the input item is in JSON format. :param my_json: A string value from the requests results. :type my_json: str :return: True if a valid JSON format, False if not. :rtype: boolean """ try: json.loads(my_json) except (ValueError, TypeError): return False return True
def _build_or(self, field_id, op, values, d_type): """ Builds an 'OR' statement for the query to the RAPI. :param field_id: The field ID for the OR statements. :type field_id: str :param op: The operator for the OR statements. :type op: str :param values: A list of values for the OR statements. :type values: list :param d_type: The data type of the values ('String' or something else). :type d_type: str :return: The complete OR statement for the list of values. :rtype: str """ if d_type == 'String': or_query = '%s' % ' OR '.join([f"{field_id}{op}'{v}'" for v in values if not v == '']) elif d_type == 'Boolean': vals_str = [] for v in values: if v == '': continue val_query = None if v[0].lower().find('t') > -1 \ or v[0].lower().find('y') > -1: val_query = f"{field_id}{op}True" elif v[0].lower().find('f') > -1 \ or v[0].lower().find('n') > -1: val_query = f"{field_id}{op}False" if val_query is None: continue vals_str.append(val_query) or_query = '%s' % ' OR '.join(vals_str) elif d_type == 'DateTimeRange': date_vals = [] for val in values: date = dateutil.parser.parse(val) iso_date = date.isoformat() date_vals.append(iso_date) or_query = '%s' % ' OR '.join([f"{field_id}{op}'{v}'" for v in date_vals]) else: or_query = '%s' % ' OR '.join([f"{field_id}{op}{v}" for v in values if not v == '']) return or_query
[docs] def log_msg(self, messages, msg_type='info', log_indent='', out_indent=''): """ Logs a message to the logger. :param messages: Either a single message or a list of messages to log. :type messages: str or list :param msg_type: The type of log ('debug', 'info', 'warning', 'error', etc.) :type msg_type: str :param log_indent: The amount of indentation for the log. (ex: '\t\t'). :type log_indent: str :param out_indent: The amount of indentation for the printout. (ex: '\t\t'). :type out_indent: str """ if isinstance(messages, (list, tuple)): log_msg, out_msg = messages elif isinstance(messages, str): log_msg = out_msg = messages else: print("EODMSRAPI.log_msg: 'messages' parameter not valid.") return None # Log the message log_msg = f"{log_indent}{log_msg}" log_msg = log_msg.replace('\n', '\\n') log_msg = log_msg.replace('\t', '\\t') log_msg = log_msg.replace("'", "\\'") eval(f"logger.{msg_type}(r'{log_msg}')") # If stdout is disabled, don't print message to terminal if not self.stdout_enabled: return None # Set timestamp if self.show_timestamp: current_time = timestamp = f"{current_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')} | " else: timestamp = '' # Print message to terminal if msg_type == 'info': msg = f"{out_indent}{self._header}{timestamp}{out_msg}" else: msg = f"{out_indent}{self._header}{timestamp} " \ f"{msg_type.upper()}: {out_msg}" print(msg)
def _order_results(self, results, keys): """ Orders the metadata keys of RAPI results. :param results: :type results: list :param keys: A list of keys in the proper order (the list does not have to contain all the keys, all remaining keys will appear in their original order). :type keys: list :return: The results in the specified order. :rtype: list """ out_results = [] for res in results: remain_keys = [k for k in res.keys() if k not in keys] keys += remain_keys new_res = {k: res[k] for k in keys} out_results.append(new_res) return out_results
[docs] def parse_metadata(self, image_res): """ Parses the metadata results from the RAPI for better JSON. :param image_res: A dictionary of a single record from the RAPI. :type image_res: dict """ if 'metadata' not in image_res.keys(): # The image result has already been parsed return image_res metadata = {self.get_conv('recordId'): image_res['recordId'], self.get_conv('collectionId'): image_res['collectionId']} # Add the following at the start of the metadata if 'geometry' in image_res.keys(): metadata[self.get_conv('geometry')] = \ image_res['geometry'] # Exclude what's already been added and other metadata fields exclude = [self.get_conv('recordId'), self.get_conv('collectionId'), self.get_conv('geometry')] for k, v in image_res.items(): if self.get_conv(k) not in exclude: if k == 'metadata': continue elif k == 'metadata2': for mdata in v: mdata_field = mdata['label'] mdata_field = self.get_conv(mdata_field) if mdata_field not in exclude: metadata[mdata_field] = mdata['value'] else: metadata[self.get_conv(k)] = v if self.res_format == 'full': if 'geometry' in image_res.keys(): wkt_field = self.get_conv('WKT Geometry') metadata[wkt_field] = self.geo.convert_image_geom( image_res['geometry'], 'wkt') return metadata
def _parse_range(self, field, start, end): """ Creates the date range string for the RAPI search URL. :param field: The field ID for the query. :type field: str :param start: The start date in ISO format. :type start: str :param end: The end date in ISO format. :type end: str :return: The date range string for the RAPI search URL. :rtype: str """ return f'({field}>={start} AND {field}<={end})' def _parse_query(self, filters=None, feats=None, dates=None): """ Parses a search query for the RAPI. :param filters: A dictionary of filters and values for the RAPI. :type filters: dict :param feats: A list of geometries for the query. :type feats: list :param dates: A list of date range dictionaries containing keys 'start' and 'end'. :type dates: list :return: The query for the RAPI search URL. :rtype: str """ query_lst = [] # Get the collection if not self.rapi_collections: self.get_collections() if self.rapi_collections is None: return None # Build the query for the date range if dates is not None and str(dates).strip(): self.dates = dates if self.dates is not None: field_id = self._get_field_id('Acquisition Start Date') if self.err_occurred: return None if field_id is None: field_id = self._get_field_id('Start Date') if self.err_occurred: return None date_queries = [] for rng in self.dates: start = None end = None if isinstance(rng, str): time_words = ['hour', 'day', 'week', 'month', 'year'] if any(word in rng for word in time_words): start = dateparser.parse(rng).strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S") end ="%Y%m%d_%H%M%S") else: if 'start' not in rng.keys(): break start = self._convert_date(rng.get('start'), "%Y%m%d_%H%M%S", out_form="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") end = self._convert_date(rng.get('end'), "%Y%m%d_%H%M%S", out_form="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") if start is None or end is None: continue date_queries.append(f"{field_id}>='{start}' AND " f"{field_id}<='{end}'") if date_queries: query_lst.append(f"({' OR '.join(date_queries)})") # Build the query for the geometry features if feats is None: feats = self.feats if feats is not None: geom_lst = [] if not isinstance(feats, list): feats = [feats] for idx, f in enumerate(feats): op = f[0].upper() src = f[1] self.geoms = self.geo.add_geom(src) if self.geoms is None or isinstance(self.geoms, SyntaxError): self.msg = f"Geometry feature #{str(idx + 1)} could " \ f"not be determined. Excluding it from search." self.log_msg(self.msg, 'warning') else: field_id = self._get_field_id('Footprint') if self.err_occurred: return None self.geoms = [self.geoms] \ if not isinstance(self.geoms, list) else self.geoms for g in self.geoms: if op == '=': geom_lst.append(f"{field_id}{op}'{g}'") else: geom_lst.append(f'{field_id} {op} {g}') if geom_lst: query_lst.append(f"({' OR '.join(geom_lst)})") # Build the query containing the filters if filters is not None: for field, values in filters.items(): # print(f"field: {field}") # print(f"values: {values}") field_id = self._get_field_id(field) if self.err_occurred: return None if field_id is None: self.msg = f"No available field named '{field}'." self.log_msg(self.msg, 'warning') continue d_type = self._get_field_type(self.collection, field_id) # print("d_type: %s" % d_type) # if not isinstance(values, list): # values = [values] if len(values) == 0: self.msg = f"No value given for field named '{field}'." self.log_msg(self.msg, 'warning') continue elif len(values) == 1: op = '=' val = values[0] else: op = values[0] val = values[1] if val is None or val == '': continue if all(c not in op for c in '=><'): op = f' {op} ' if not isinstance(val, list) and not isinstance(val, tuple): val = [val] if field in [ 'Incidence Angle', 'Scale', 'Spacial Resolution', 'Absolute Orbit', ]: for v in val: if str(v).find('-') > -1: start, end = v.split('-') val_query = self._parse_range(field_id, start, end) else: val_query = f"{field_id}{op}{v}" query_lst.append(val_query) continue # else: # if str(val).find('-') > -1: # start, end = str(val).split('-') # val_query = self._parse_range(field_id, start, end) # else: # val_query = f"{field_id}{op}{val}" elif field_id == 'RCM.SPECIAL_HANDLING_REQUIRED': val_query = f"{field_id}{op}{val[0]}" elif field == 'Footprint': pnts = [] vals = val[0].split(' ') pnts.extend( (float(vals[idx]), float(vals[idx + 1])) for idx in range(0, len(vals), 2) if vals[idx].strip() != '' ) self.geoms = self.geo.add_geom(pnts) val_query = f"{field_id}{op}{self.geoms}" else: # Convert choice to value choices = self.get_field_choices(self.collection, field_id, True) valid_vals = [] for v in val: new_val = None for c in choices: if isinstance(c, dict): if c.get('label') == v: new_val = c.get('value') valid_vals.append(new_val) break if not new_val: valid_vals.append(v) val = valid_vals # print(f"val: {val}") # print(f"d_type: {d_type}") if len(val) > 1: val_query = self._build_or(field_id, op, val, d_type) elif d_type == 'String': val_query = f"{field_id}{op}'{val[0]}'" # print(f"val_query: {val_query}") elif d_type == 'Boolean': if str(val[0]).lower().find('t') > -1 \ or str(val[0]).lower().find('y') > -1: val_query = f"{field_id}{op}True" elif str(val[0]).lower().find('f') > -1 \ or str(val[0]).lower().find('n') > -1: val_query = f"{field_id}{op}False" elif d_type == 'DateTimeRange': date = dateutil.parser.parse(val[0]) iso_date = date.isoformat() val_query = f"{field_id}{op}'{iso_date}'" else: val_query = f"{field_id}{op}{val[0]}" query_lst.append(val_query) # print(f"query_lst: {query_lst}") if len(query_lst) > 1: query_lst = [f'({q})' if q.find(' OR ') > -1 else q for q in query_lst] # print(f"query_lst: {query_lst}") return ' AND '.join(query_lst) def _submit_search(self): """ Submit a search query to the desired EODMS collection Since there may be instances where the default maxResults is greater than 150, this method should recursively call itself until the correct number of results is retrieved. (Adapted from: eodms-api-client ( developed by Mike Brady) :return: The search-query response JSON from the EODMS REST API. :rtype: json """ # If max_results is specified, reduce the number of records in # search_results to max_results and then return the search_results if self.max_results is not None: if len(self.search_results) >= self.max_results: self.search_results = self.search_results[:self.max_results] return self.search_results # Print status of search start = len(self.search_results) + 1 end = len(self.search_results) + self.limit_interval msg = f"Querying records within {start} to {end}..." self.log_msg(msg) logger.debug(f"RAPI Query URL: {self._rapi_url}") r = self._submit(self._rapi_url) # If a fatal error occurred if r is None or self.err_occurred: return None # If an QueryError occurred if isinstance(r, QueryError): err_msg = r.get_msgs(True) out_msg = self._check_http(err_msg) if out_msg is not None: self.log_msg(out_msg, 'warning') self.search_results = r return self.search_results msg = 'Retrying in 3 seconds...' self.log_msg(msg, 'warning') time.sleep(3) return self._submit_search() # If applicable, convert results to JSON data = r.json() if isinstance(r, requests.Response) else r # Get the total number of results tot_results = int(data['totalResults']) # If there are no results, no need to go further if tot_results == 0: return self.search_results # If the number of results has hit the limit_interval, return results elif tot_results < self.limit_interval: self.search_results += data['results'] return self.search_results # Append firstResult to the URL query and run _submit_search method # again self.search_results += data['results'] first_result = len(self.search_results) + 1 if self._rapi_url.find('&firstResult') > -1: old_first_result = int('&firstResult=([\d*]+)', self._rapi_url)[1] ) self._rapi_url = self._rapi_url.replace( '&firstResult=%d' % old_first_result, '&firstResult=%d' % first_result ) else: self._rapi_url += f'&firstResult={first_result}' return self._submit_search() def _check_http(self, err_msg): """ Checks an error message for the HTTP code and returns a more appropriate message. :param err_msg: The error message from the response. :type err_msg: str :return: The new error message (or None is no error). :rtype: str (or None) """ if err_msg.find('404 Client Error') > -1 or \ err_msg.find('404 for url') > -1: msg = f"404 Client Error: Could not find {self._rapi_url}." elif err_msg.find('400 Client Error') > -1: msg = f"400 Client Error: A Bad Request occurred while trying to " \ f"reach {self._rapi_url}" elif err_msg.find('500 Server Error') > -1: msg = f"500 Server Error: An internal server error has occurred " \ f"while to access {self._rapi_url}" elif err_msg.find('401 Client Error') > -1: return err_msg else: return None return msg def _submit(self, query_url, request_type='get', post_data=None, timeout=None, record_name=None, quiet=True, as_json=True): """ Send a query to the RAPI. :param query_url: The query URL. :type query_url: str :param timeout: The length of the timeout in seconds. :type timeout: float :param record_name: A string used to supply information for the record in a print statement. :type record_name: str :param quiet: Determines whether to ignore log printing. :type quiet: bool :param as_json: Determines whether to return results in JSON format. :type as_json: bool :return: The response returned from the RAPI. :rtype: request.Response """ if timeout is None: timeout = self.timeout_query logger.debug(f"RAPI Query URL: {query_url}") res = None attempt = 1 err = None msg = '' # Get the entry records from the RAPI using the downlink segment ID while res is None and attempt <= self.attempts: # Continue to attempt if timeout occurs try: if record_name is None: msg = f"Sending request to the RAPI (attempt {attempt})..." else: msg = f"Sending request to the RAPI for '{record_name}' " \ f"(attempt {attempt})..." if not quiet and attempt > 1: logger.debug(f"\n{self._header}{msg}") if self._session is None: if request_type.lower() == 'post': res =, post_data, timeout=timeout, verify=self.verify) elif request_type.lower() == 'put': res = requests.put(url=query_url, timeout=timeout, verify=self.verify) elif request_type.lower() == 'delete': res = requests.delete(url=query_url, timeout=timeout, verify=self.verify) else: res = requests.get(query_url, timeout=timeout, verify=self.verify) elif request_type.lower() == 'post': res =, post_data, timeout=timeout, verify=self.verify) elif request_type.lower() == 'put': res = self._session.put(url=query_url, timeout=timeout, verify=self.verify) elif request_type.lower() == 'delete': res = self._session.delete(url=query_url, timeout=timeout, verify=self.verify) else: res = self._session.get(query_url, timeout=timeout, verify=self.verify) res.raise_for_status() except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as errh: msg = f"HTTP Error: {errh}" out_msg = self._check_http(msg) if out_msg is not None: err = out_msg query_err = QueryError(err) return query_err if self._check_auth(query_err) else query_err # elif msg.find('400 Client Error') > -1: # query_err = self._get_exception(res) # # if self._check_auth(query_err): # return err # # return query_err # elif msg.find('500 Server Error') > -1: # query_err = self._get_exception(res) # # err = msg # # query_err = QueryError(err) # # if self._check_auth(query_err): # return err # # return query_err if attempt < self.attempts: msg = f"{msg}; attempting to connect again..." self.log_msg(msg, 'warning') res = None else: err = msg attempt += 1 except requests.exceptions.SSLError as ssl_err: msg = f"SSL Error: {ssl_err}" if attempt < self.attempts: msg = f"{msg}; removing SSL verification and attempting " \ f"to connect again..." self.log_msg(msg, 'warning') res = None self.verify = False else: err = msg attempt += 1 except (requests.exceptions.Timeout, requests.exceptions.ReadTimeout) as errt: msg = f"Timeout Error: {errt}" if attempt < self.attempts: msg = f"{msg}; increasing timeout by a minute and " \ f"trying again..." self.log_msg(msg, 'warning') res = None timeout += 60.0 self.timeout_query = timeout else: err = msg attempt += 1 except (requests.exceptions.ConnectionError, requests.exceptions.RequestException) as req_err: # print(f"res: {res}") self.err_msg = f"{req_err.__class__.__name__} Error: {req_err}" self.err_occurred = True self.log_msg(self.err_msg, 'error') # attempt = self.attempts return None except KeyboardInterrupt: self.err_msg = "Process ended by user." self.log_msg(self.err_msg, out_indent='\n') self.err_occurred = True return None except Exception: msg = f"Unexpected error: {traceback.format_exc()}" if attempt < self.attempts: msg = f"{msg}; attempting to connect again..." self.log_msg(msg, 'warning') res = None else: err = msg attempt += 1 if err is not None: query_err = QueryError(err) return None if self._check_auth(query_err) else query_err # If no results from RAPI, return None if res is None: return None # Check for exceptions that weren't already caught if not res.ok: except_err = self._get_exception(res) if isinstance(except_err, QueryError): if self._check_auth(except_err): return None self.log_msg(msg, 'warning') return except_err if res.text == '': return res if res.text.find('BRB!') > -1: self.err_msg = f"There was a problem while attempting to access the " \ f"EODMS RAPI server. If the problem persists, please " \ f"contact the EODMS Support Team at {self._email}." self.log_msg(self.err_msg, 'error') self.err_occurred = True query_err = QueryError(self.err_msg) return query_err return res.json() if as_json else res def _to_camel_case(self, in_str): """ Converts a string to lower camel case. :param in_str: The input string to convert. :type in_str: str :return: The input string convert to lower camel case. :rtype: str """ in_str = re.sub(r"\([^()]*\)", "", in_str) if in_str.find(' ') > -1: words = in_str.split(' ') elif in_str.find('_') > -1: words = in_str.split('_') else: return in_str[0].lower() + in_str[1:] first_word = words[0].lower() other_words = ''.join(w.title() for w in words[1:]) return f'{first_word}{other_words}' def _update_conv(self): """ Updates all fields in the set of results to the proper naming convention. """ if self.res_mdata is not None: for m in self.res_mdata: for k, v in m.items(): new_k = self.get_conv(k) m[new_k] = m.pop(k)
[docs] def get_collection_id(self, coll): """ Gets the full collection ID using the input collection ID which can be a substring of the collection ID. :param coll: The collection ID to check. :type coll: str :return: The full collection ID. :rtype: str """ if not self.rapi_collections: self.get_collections() # print(f"self.rapi_collections: {self.rapi_collections}") if self.rapi_collections is None or self.err_occurred: return None for k, v in self.rapi_collections.items(): if coll.lower() == v['title'].lower(): return k if coll.lower() == k.lower(): return k elif coll.lower() in v['aliases']: return k
[docs] def get_err_msg(self): """ Gets the error message of this class after an error occurred. :return: The error message :rtype: str """ return self.err_msg
[docs] def get_msg(self): """ Gets the latest self.msg :return: The self.msg :rtype: str """ return self.msg
[docs] def set_query_timeout(self, timeout): """ Sets the timeout limit for a query to the RAPI. :param timeout: The value of the timeout in seconds. :type timeout: float """ self.timeout_query = float(timeout)
[docs] def set_order_timeout(self, timeout): """ Sets the timeout limit for an order to the RAPI. :param timeout: The value of the timeout in seconds. :type timeout: float """ self.timeout_order = float(timeout)
[docs] def set_attempts(self, number): """ Sets number of attempts to be made to the RAPI before the script ends. :param number: The value for the number of attempts. :type number: int """ self.attempts = int(number)
[docs] def set_field_convention(self, convention): """ Sets the naming convention of the output fields. :param convention: The type of naming convention for the fields. - ``words``: The label with spaces and words will be returned. - ``camel`` (default): The format will be lower camel case like 'camelCase'. - ``upper``: The format will be all uppercase with underscore for spaces. :type convention: str """ self.name_conv = convention self._update_conv()
[docs] def set_root_url(self, url): """ Sets the root URL of the RAPI. :param url: The new URL. :type url: str """ self.rapi_root = url
[docs] def download_image(self, url, dest_fn, fsize, show_progress=True): """ Given a list of remote and local items, download the remote data if it is not already found locally. (Adapted from the eodms-api-client ( developed by Mike Brady) :param url: The download URL of the image. :type url: str :param dest_fn: The local destination filename for the download. :type dest_fn: str :param fsize: The total filesize of the image. :type fsize: int :param show_progress: Determines whether to show progress while downloading an image :type show_progress: bool """ # If we have an existing local file, check the filesize against the # manifest if os.path.exists(dest_fn): # if all-good, continue to next file if os.stat(dest_fn).st_size == fsize: self.msg = f"No download necessary. Local file already " \ f"exists: {dest_fn}" self.log_msg(self.msg) return None # Otherwise, delete the incomplete/malformed local file and # redownload else: self.msg = f'Filesize mismatch with ' \ f'{os.path.basename(dest_fn)}. Re-downloading...' self.log_msg(self.msg, 'warning') os.remove(dest_fn) if self._check_auth(): return None # Use streamed download so we can wrap nicely with tqdm if show_progress: with self._session.get(url, stream=True, verify=self.verify) as stream: with open(dest_fn, 'wb') as pipe: with tqdm.wrapattr( pipe, method='write', miniters=1, total=fsize, desc=f"{self._header}{os.path.basename(dest_fn)}" ) as file_out: for chunk in stream.iter_content(chunk_size=1024): file_out.write(chunk) else: response = self._session.get(url, stream=True, verify=self.verify) open(dest_fn, "wb").write(response.content) self.msg = f'{dest_fn} has been downloaded.' self.log_msg(self.msg)
[docs] def download(self, items, dest, wait=10.0, max_attempts=None, show_progress=True): """ Downloads a list of order items from the EODMS RAPI. :param items: A list of order items returned from the RAPI. Example: .. code-block:: python {'items': [ {'recordId': '8023427', 'status': 'SUBMITTED', 'collectionId': 'RCMImageProducts', 'itemId': '346204', 'orderId': '50975'}, ...]} or .. code-block:: python [{ 'recordId': '8023427', 'status': 'SUBMITTED', 'collectionId': 'RCMImageProducts', 'itemId': '346204', 'orderId': '50975' }, ...] :type items: list or dict :param dest: The local download folder location. :type dest: str :param wait: Sets the time to wait before checking the status of all orders. :type wait: float or int :param max_attempts: The number of download attempts before stopping downloads. If None, the script will continue to check and download orders until all orders have been downloaded. :type max_attempts: int :param show_progress: Determines whether to show progress while downloading an image :type show_progress: bool :return: A list of the download (completed) items. :rtype: list """ msg = "Downloading images..." self.log_msg(msg, log_indent='\n\n\t', out_indent='\n') if items is None: return self.print_message("No images to download.") if isinstance(items, dict): if 'items' in items.keys(): items = items['items'] if len(items) == 0: return self.print_message("No images to download.") unique_items = self.remove_duplicate_orders(items) attempt = 0 complete_items = [] while len(unique_items) > len(complete_items): time.sleep(wait) attempt += 1 if max_attempts is not None and not max_attempts == '': if attempt > max_attempts: self.msg = "Maximum number of attempts reached." self.log_msg(self.msg, log_indent='\n\n\t', out_indent='\n') return complete_items # start, end = self._get_dateRange(unique_items) # orders = self.get_orders(dtstart=start, dtend=end) # print(f"max_downloads: {max_downloads}") # answer = input("Press enter...") # max_orders = max_downloads + int((max_downloads / 4)) # orders = self.get_orders(max_orders=max_orders) orders = self.get_orders(unique_items) # for order in orders: # print(f"itemId: {order.get('itemId')}") # print(f" orderId: {order.get('orderId')}") # print(f" recordId: {order.get('recordId')}") # answer = input("Press enter...") if self.err_occurred: return complete_items if orders is None: return self.print_message( "An error occurred while getting a list of " "orders. Downloads unsuccessful." ) if len(orders) == 0: return self.print_message("No orders could be found.") new_count = len(complete_items) for itm in unique_items: item_id = itm['itemId'] cur_item = self._get_item_from_orders(item_id, orders) order_id = cur_item['orderId'] status = cur_item['status'] record_id = cur_item['recordId'] coll_id = cur_item['collectionId'] # Check record is already complete if self._check_complete(complete_items, record_id): continue if status in self.failed_status: if status == 'FAILED': # If the order has failed, inform user status_mess = cur_item.get('statusMessage') self.msg = "\n The following Order Item has failed:" if status_mess is None: self.msg += f"\n Order Item Id: " \ f"{cur_item['itemId']}\n" \ f" Order Id: {order_id}\n" \ f" Record Id: {cur_item['recordId']}" \ f" Collection: {coll_id}\n" else: self.msg += f"\n Order Item Id: " \ f"{cur_item['itemId']}\n" \ f" Order Id: {order_id}\n" \ f" Record Id: {cur_item['recordId']}\n" \ f" Collection: {coll_id}\n" \ f" Reason for Failure: " \ f"{cur_item['statusMessage']}" else: # If the order was unsuccessful with another status, # inform user self.msg = f"\n The following Order Item has status " \ f"'{status}' and will not be downloaded:" self.msg += f"\n Order Item Id: {cur_item['itemId']}\n" \ f" Record Id: {cur_item['recordId']}\n" \ f" Collection: {coll_id}\n" self.log_msg(self.msg) cur_item['downloaded'] = 'False' complete_items.append(cur_item) elif status == 'AVAILABLE_FOR_DOWNLOAD': cur_item['downloaded'] = 'True' dests = cur_item['destinations'] manifest_key = list(cur_item['manifest'].keys()).pop() fsize = int(cur_item['manifest'][manifest_key]) download_paths = [] for d in dests: # Get the string value of the destination str_val = d['stringValue'] str_val = str_val.replace('</br>', '') str_val = str_val.replace('&', '?') # Parse the HTML text of the destination string root = ElementTree.fromstring(str_val) url = root.text url = url.split("?")[0] fn = os.path.basename(url) # Download the image msg = f"Downloading image from Collection " \ f"{coll_id} with Record Id {record_id} ({fn})." self.log_msg(msg) # Save the image contents to the 'downloads' folder out_fn = os.path.join(dest, fn) full_path = os.path.realpath(out_fn) if not os.path.exists(dest): os.makedirs(dest, exist_ok=True) try: self.download_image(url, out_fn, fsize, show_progress=show_progress) except Exception as e: self.log_msg(e, 'warning') continue print('') # Record the URL and downloaded file to a dictionary dest_info = {'url': url, 'local_destination': full_path} download_paths.append(dest_info) cur_item['downloadPaths'] = download_paths complete_items.append(cur_item) if new_count == 0 and len(complete_items) == 0: self.msg = "No items are ready for download yet." self.log_msg(self.msg) elif new_count == len(complete_items): self.msg = "No new items are ready for download yet." self.log_msg(self.msg) return complete_items
# TODO Rename this here and in `download`
[docs] def print_message(self, msg): self.msg = msg self.log_msg(self.msg) return []
[docs] def get_available_fields(self, collection=None, name_type='all', ui_fields=False): """ Gets a dictionary of available fields for a collection from the RAPI. :param collection: The Collection ID. :type collection: str :param name_type: The field name type to search for. :type name_type: str :param ui_fields: Determines whether to return fields that the EODMS UI website uses. :type ui_fields: bool :return: A dictionary containing the available fields for the given collection. :rtype: dict """ if collection is None: if self.collection is None: self.log_msg('No collection can be determined.', 'warning') return None collection = self.collection query_url = f"{self.rapi_root}/collections/{collection}?format=json" coll_res = self._submit(query_url, timeout=20.0) if coll_res is None or self.err_occurred: return None # If an error occurred if isinstance(coll_res, QueryError): self.log_msg(coll_res.get_msgs(True), 'warning') return None coll_ui_fields = self.ui_field_map.get(collection) # Get a list of the searchFields fields = {} if name_type == 'title' or name_type == 'id': srch_fields = [] for r in coll_res['searchFields']: if coll_ui_fields is not None and ui_fields: if r['id'] not in coll_ui_fields: continue srch_fields.append(r[name_type]) fields['search'] = srch_fields res_fields = [] for r in coll_res['resultFields']: res_fields.append(r[name_type]) fields['results'] = res_fields else: srch_fields = {} for r in coll_res['searchFields']: if coll_ui_fields is not None and ui_fields: if r['id'] not in coll_ui_fields: continue if r.get('choices') is None: r['choices'] = None srch_fields[r['title']] = r fields['search'] = srch_fields res_fields = {} for r in coll_res['resultFields']: res_fields[r['title']] = r fields['results'] = res_fields return fields
[docs] def get_field_choices(self, collection, field=None, full=False): """ Gets the available choices for a specified field. If no choices exist, then the data type is returned. :param collection: The collection containing the field. :type collection: str :param field: The field name or field ID. :type field: str :return: Either a list of choices or a string containing the data type. :rtype: list or str """ fields = self.get_available_fields(collection) if self.err_occurred: return None all_fields = {} for f, v in fields['search'].items(): choices = [] if field is None: field_choices = v.get('choices') if field_choices is not None: if full: choices = field_choices else: for c in field_choices: value = c['value'] if not value == '': choices.append(value) all_fields[f] = choices else: all_fields[f] = {'data_type': v.get('datatype')} else: if f == field or v['id'] == field: field_choices = v.get('choices') if field_choices is not None: if full: choices = field_choices else: for c in field_choices: value = c['value'] if not value == '': choices.append(value) return choices else: return {'data_type': v.get('datatype')} return all_fields
[docs] def get_collections(self, as_list=False, opt='id', redo=False): """ Gets a list of available collections for the current user. :param as_list: Determines the type of return. If False, a dictionary will be returned. If True, only a list of collection IDs will be returned. :type as_list: bool :param opt: Determines whether the list of collections should be just titles or both titles and ids. :type opt: str :param redo: Determines whether to get the list from the RAPI again. :type redo: bool :return: Either a dictionary of collections or a list of collection IDs depending on the value of as_list. :rtype: dict """ if self.rapi_collections and not redo: if as_list: if opt == 'title': collections = [i['title'] for i in self.rapi_collections.values()] elif opt == 'both': collections = [{'id': k, 'title': v['title']} for k, v in self.rapi_collections.items()] else: collections = list(self.rapi_collections.keys()) return collections return self.rapi_collections # Create the query to get available collections for the current user query_url = f"{self.rapi_root}/collections?format=json" msg = "Getting Collection information, please wait..." self.log_msg(msg) logger.debug(f"RAPI URL: {query_url}") # Send the query URL coll_res = self._submit(query_url, timeout=20.0) if coll_res is None or self.err_occurred: return None # If an error occurred if isinstance(coll_res, QueryError): self.err_msg = f"Could not get a list of collections due to " \ f"'{coll_res.get_msgs(True)}'." self.err_occurred = True self.log_msg(self.err_msg, 'error') return coll_res # Create the collections dictionary for coll in coll_res: for child in coll['children']: for c in child['children']: coll_id = c['collectionId'] # Add aliases for specific collections allowing easier # access for users aliases = [] if coll_id == 'RCMImageProducts': aliases = ['rcm'] elif coll_id == 'Radarsat1': aliases = ['r1', 'rs1', 'radarsat', 'radarsat-1'] elif coll_id == 'Radarsat2': aliases = ['r2', 'rs2', 'radarsat-2'] elif coll_id == 'PlanetScope': aliases = ['planet'] fields = self.get_available_fields(coll_id, 'all') if self.err_occurred: return None if fields is None: continue self.rapi_collections[c['collectionId']] = { 'title': c['title'], 'aliases': aliases, 'fields': fields} # If as_list is True, convert dictionary to list of collection IDs if as_list: if opt == 'title': collections = [i['title'] for i in self.rapi_collections.values()] elif opt == 'both': collections = [{'id': k, 'title': v['title']} for k, v in self.rapi_collections.items()] else: collections = list(self.rapi_collections.keys()) return collections return self.rapi_collections
[docs] def get_order_item(self, item_id): """ Submits a query to the EODMS RAPI to get a specific order item. :param item_id: The Order Item ID of the image to retrieve from the RAPI. :type item_id: str or int :return: A dictionary containing the JSON format of the results from the RAPI. :rtype: dict """ query = f"{self.rapi_root}/order?itemId={item_id}&format=json" log_msg = f"Getting order item {item_id} (RAPI query): {query}" msg = f"Getting order item {item_id}..." messages = (log_msg, msg) self.log_msg(messages, log_indent='\n\n\t', out_indent='\n') res = self._submit(query, timeout=self.timeout_order) return None if res is None or self.err_occurred else res
[docs] def get_order(self, order_id): """ Gets an specified order from the EODMS RAPI. :param order_id: The Order ID of the specific order. :type order_id: str or int :return: A JSON dictionary of the specific order. :rtype: dict """ query_url = f"{self.rapi_root}/order?orderId={order_id}&format=json" logger.debug(f"RAPI URL:\n\n{query_url}\n") # Send the query to the RAPI res = self._submit(query_url, timeout=self.timeout_query, quiet=False) if self.err_occurred: return None if res is None or isinstance(res, QueryError): if isinstance(res, QueryError): self.msg = f"Could not get order with Order ID {order_id} due " \ f"to {res.get_msgs(True)}." else: self.msg = f"Could not get order with Order ID {order_id}." self.log_msg(self.msg, 'warning') return None if 'items' in res.keys(): return res['items'] else: return res
[docs] def get_orders(self, order_res=None, dtstart=None, dtend=None, max_orders=100, status=None, out_format='json'): """ Sends a query to retrieve orders from the RAPI. :param order_res: The results from an order submission. If this value is included, dtstart, dtend and max_orders will be ignored. :type order_res: list :param dtstart: The start date for the date range of the query. :type dtstart: datetime.datetime :param dtend: The end date for the date range of the query. :type dtend: datetime.datetime :param max_orders: The maximum number of orders to retrieve. :type max_orders: int :param status: The status of the orders to retrieve. :type status: str :param out_format: The format of the results. :type out_format: str :return: A JSON dictionary of the query results containing the orders. :rtype: dict """ msg = "Getting list of current orders..." self.log_msg(msg) tm_frm = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ' if order_res is not None: # Get a list of unique orders if isinstance(order_res, dict) and 'items' in order_res.keys(): order_res = order_res['items'] unique_list = list(set([o['orderId'] for o in order_res])) all_orders = [] for order_id in unique_list: # Submit query with order ID query_url = f"{self.rapi_root}/order?orderId={order_id}" \ f"&format={out_format}" logger.debug(f"RAPI URL:\n\n{query_url}\n") # Send the query to the RAPI res = self._submit(query_url, timeout=self.timeout_query, quiet=False) if self.err_occurred: return None if res is None or isinstance(res, QueryError): if isinstance(res, QueryError): self.msg = f"Order submission was unsuccessful due " \ f"to: {res.get_msgs(True)}." else: self.msg = "Order submission was unsuccessful." self.log_msg(self.msg, 'warning') continue if 'items' in res.keys(): res = res['items'] all_orders += res return all_orders params = {} if dtstart is not None: params['dtstart'] = dtstart.strftime(tm_frm) params['dtend'] = dtend.strftime(tm_frm) params['maxOrders'] = max_orders if status is not None: params['status'] = status.upper() param_str = urlencode(params) query_url = f"{self.rapi_root}/order?{param_str}&format={out_format}" logger.debug(f"RAPI URL:\n\n{query_url}\n") # Send the query to the RAPI res = self._submit(query_url, timeout=self.timeout_query, quiet=False) if self.err_occurred: return None if res is None or isinstance(res, QueryError): if isinstance(res, QueryError): self.msg = f"Order submission was unsuccessful due to: " \ f"{res.get_msgs(True)}." else: self.msg = "Order submission was unsuccessful." self.log_msg(self.msg, 'warning') return None if 'items' in res.keys(): res = res['items'] if status is not None: status_res = [r for r in res if r.get('status') == status.upper()] return status_res else: return res
[docs] def get_orders_by_records(self, records): """ Gets a list of orders from the RAPI based on a list of records. :param records: A list of records used to get the list of orders. :type records: list :return: A list of results from the RAPI. :rtype: list """ if isinstance(records, dict): if 'items' in records.keys(): records = records['items'] if records is None or len(records) == 0: self.msg = "Cannot get orders as no image items provided." self.log_msg(self.msg, log_indent='\n\n\t', out_indent='\n') return None if not all("orderId" in keys for keys in records): # msg = "Cannot get orders as no orderId is provided in the " \ # "results." orders = self.get_orders() # self.log_msg(msg, log_indent='\n\n\t', out_indent='\n') else: # dates = self._get_date_range(records) # # if dates is None: # msg = "Cannot get orders as no order dates are available." # self.log_msg(msg, log_indent='\n\n\t', out_indent='\n') # return None # # start, end = dates orders = self.get_orders(records) if self.err_occurred: return None msg = "Getting a list of order items..." self.log_msg(msg, log_indent='\n\n\t', out_indent='\n') found_orders = [] unfound = [] for idx, r in enumerate(records): # Go through each record rec_id = r['recordId'] rec_orders = [] for i in orders: # Go through each order item if i['recordId'] == r['recordId']: # Check in filt_orders for an older order item # and replace it rec_orders.append(i) if len(rec_orders) == 0: unfound.append(rec_id) continue # Get the most recent order item with the given recordId filt_recs = [r for r in rec_orders if r['recordId'] == rec_id] order_item = max(filt_recs, key=lambda x: x['dateSubmitted']) found_orders.append(order_item) self.msg = f"Found {len(found_orders)} order items for the following " \ f"records: {', '.join([r['recordId'] for r in found_orders])}" self.log_msg(self.msg) if len(unfound) > 0: self.msg = f"No order items found for the following records: " \ f"{', '.join(unfound)}" self.log_msg(self.msg) return found_orders
[docs] def get_order_parameters(self, collection, record_id): """ Gets the list of available Order parameters for a given image record. :param collection: The Collection ID for the query. :type collection: str :param record_id: The Record ID for the image. :type record_id: int or str :return: A JSON dictionary of the order parameters. :rtype: dict """ # Get the proper Collection ID for the RAPI collection = self.get_collection_id(collection) if self.err_occurred: return None msg = f"\n\n\tGetting order parameters for image in Collection " \ f"{collection} with Record ID {record_id}..." self.log_msg(msg, log_indent='\n\n\t', out_indent='\n') # Set the RAPI URL query_url = f"{self.rapi_root}/order/params/{collection}/" \ f"{record_id}?format=json" # Send the JSON request to the RAPI try: param_res = self._session.get(url=query_url, verify=self.verify) param_res.raise_for_status() except (requests.exceptions.HTTPError, requests.exceptions.ConnectionError, requests.exceptions.Timeout, requests.exceptions.RequestException) as req_err: msg = f"{req_err.__class__.__name__} Error: {req_err}" self.log_msg(msg, 'warning') return msg except KeyboardInterrupt: self.err_msg = "Process ended by user." self.log_msg(self.err_msg, out_indent='\n') self.err_occurred = True print() return None if not param_res.ok: err = self._get_exception(param_res) if isinstance(err, list): self.msg = '; '.join(err) self.log_msg(self.msg, 'warning') return self.msg # msg = "Order removed successfully." # self.log_msg(msg) return param_res.json()
[docs] def get_rapi_url(self): """ Gets the previous URL used to query the RAPI. return: The RAPI URL. rtype: str """ return self._rapi_url
[docs] def get_record(self, collection, record_id, output='full'): """ Gets an image record from the RAPI. :param collection: The Collection ID of the record. :type collection: str :param record_id: The Record ID of the image. :type record_id: str or int :param output: The format of the results (either 'full', 'raw' or 'geojson'). :type output: str """ # keys = self.get_meta_keys() self.collection = self.get_collection_id(collection) self._rapi_url = f"{self.rapi_root}/record/{self.collection}/" \ f"{record_id}?format=json" self.results = self._submit(self._rapi_url) if self.err_occurred: return None if isinstance(self.results, QueryError): self.msg = self.results.get_msgs() self.log_msg(self.msg, 'warning') return {'errors': self.msg} if output == 'geojson': feat = self.geo.convert_to_geojson(self.results, 'list') return feat elif output == 'raw': return self.results else: return self.parse_metadata(self.results)
[docs] def cancel_order_item(self, order_id, item_id): """ Removes an Order Item from the EODMS using the RAPI. :param order_id: The Order ID of the Order Item to remove. :type order_id: int or str :param item_id: The Order Item ID of the Order Item to remove. :type item_id: int or str :return: Returns the contents of the Delete request (always empty). :rtype: byte str """ msg = f"Removing order item {item_id}..." self.log_msg(msg, log_indent='\n\n\t', out_indent='\n') # Set the RAPI URL self._rapi_url = f"{self.rapi_root}/order/{order_id}/{item_id}" # Send the JSON request to the RAPI cancel_res = self._submit(self._rapi_url, 'delete') if self.err_occurred: return None # try: # cancel_res = self._session.delete(url=self._rapi_url) # cancel_res.raise_for_status() # except (requests.exceptions.HTTPError, # requests.exceptions.ConnectionError, # requests.exceptions.Timeout, # requests.exceptions.RequestException) as req_err: # err = self._get_exception(cancel_res).get_msgs() # msg = f"{req_err.__class__.__name__} Error: {req_err} - {err[1]}" # self.log_msg(msg, 'warning') # return msg # except KeyboardInterrupt: # msg = "Process ended by user." # self.log_msg(msg, out_indent='\n') # self.err_occurred = True # print() # return None if not cancel_res.ok: err = self._get_exception(cancel_res) if isinstance(err, list): self.msg = '; '.join(err) self.log_msg(self.msg, 'warning') return self.msg self.msg = "Order removed successfully." self.log_msg(self.msg) return cancel_res.content
[docs] def create_destination(self, dest_type, dest_name, **kwargs): """ Create a new destination using the given dest_type and dest_name. :param dest_type: The destination type, either "FTP" or "Physical". :type dest_type: str :param dest_name: The destination name :type dest_name: str :param kwargs: Options for FTP: *hostname*: The fully qualified domain name of the target FTP server. *username*: The username used to log in to the target FTP server. *password*: The password used to log in to the target FTP server. *string_val*: A readable string representation of the whole object, typically "ftp://{user}@{host}/{path}" *path*: After logging in to the FTP server, change directory to this path (optional; default is the root directory) *can_edit*: "true" if the currently connected user is allowed to modify the properties of this Order Destination object (server to client only) Options for Physical: *customerName*: The name of the customer who will receive the order (required). *contactEmail*: An email address that can be used to contact the customer if necessary (required). *organization*: The names of any organization and organizational units necessary to identify the delivery location (optional). *phone*: A phone number that can be used to contact the customer if necessary (optional). *addrs*: A list of physical delivery addresses (1 address is required, a maximum of 3). *city*: The city or other community of the physical delivery address (required). *stateProv*: The name or code identifying the state or other administrative region required for the physical delivery address (required for most countries). *country*: The name of the country to which the product is to be delivered (required). *postalCode*: Any code that is necessary for the postal system to successfully deliver the product (required for many countries). *classification*: This is the security classification of the physical address (optional). """ msg = "Creating destination..." self.log_msg(msg, log_indent='\n\n\t', out_indent='\n') dest_info = {'type': dest_type, 'name': dest_name} if dest_type.lower() == 'ftp': hostname = kwargs.get('hostname') username = kwargs.get('username') password = kwargs.get('password') string_val = kwargs.get('string_val') path = kwargs.get('path') can_edit = kwargs.get('can_edit') dest_info['hostname'] = hostname dest_info['username'] = username dest_info['password'] = password dest_info['stringValue'] = string_val if path: dest_info['path'] = path dest_info['canEdit'] = can_edit else: customer_name = kwargs.get('customer_name') contact_email = kwargs.get('contact_email') organization = kwargs.get('organization') phone = kwargs.get('phone') addrs = kwargs.get('addrs') city = kwargs.get('city') state_prov = kwargs.get('state_prov') country = kwargs.get('country') postal_code = kwargs.get('postal_code') classification = kwargs.get('classification') dest_info['customerName'] = customer_name dest_info['contactEmail'] = contact_email if organization: dest_info['organization'] = organization if phone: dest_info['phone'] = phone dest_info['addr1'] = addrs[0] if len(addrs) > 1: for idx, a in enumerate(addrs[1:3]): dest_info[f'addr{idx + 2}'] = a dest_info['city'] = city dest_info['stateProv'] = state_prov dest_info['country'] = country dest_info['postalCode'] = postal_code if classification: dest_info['classification'] = classification self._rapi_url = f"{self.rapi_root}/order/destinations" dest_json = json.dumps(dest_info) dest_res = self._submit(self._rapi_url, 'post', dest_json) if self.err_occurred: return None if isinstance(dest_res, QueryError): self.err_msg = f"Could not create destination due to " \ f"'{dest_res.get_msgs(True)}'." self.err_occurred = True self.log_msg(self.err_msg, 'error') return None return dest_res
[docs] def delete_destination(self, dest_type, dest_name): """ Deletes a specific destination using the dest_type and dest_name. :param dest_type: The destination type, either "FTP" or "Physical". :type dest_type: str :param dest_name: The destination name :type dest_name: str """ msg = "Deleting destination..." self.log_msg(msg, log_indent='\n\n\t', out_indent='\n') # Set the RAPI URL dest_url = f"{self.rapi_root}/order/destinations/{dest_type}/" \ f"{dest_name}" # Delete the given destination dest_res = self._submit(dest_url, 'delete') if self.err_occurred: return None if isinstance(dest_res, QueryError): self.err_msg = f"Could not delete destination due to " \ f"'{dest_res.get_msgs(True)}'." self.err_occurred = True self.log_msg(self.err_msg, 'error') return None return dest_res
[docs] def edit_destination(self, dest_type, dest_name, **kwargs): """ Edits an existing destination using the given dest_type and dest_name :param dest_type: The destination type, either "FTP" or "Physical". :type dest_type: str :param dest_name: The destination name :type dest_name: str :param kwargs: Options for FTP: *hostname*: The fully qualified domain name of the target FTP server. *username*: The username used to log in to the target FTP server. *password*: The password used to log in to the target FTP server. *string_val*: A readable string representation of the whole object, typically "ftp://{user}@{host}/{path}" *path*: After logging in to the FTP server, change directory to this path (optional; default is the root directory) *can_edit*: "true" if the currently connected user is allowed to modify the properties of this Order Destination object (server to client only) Options for Physical: *customerName*: The name of the customer who will receive the order (required). *contactEmail*: An email address that can be used to contact the customer if necessary (required). *organization*: The names of any organization and organizational units necessary to identify the delivery location (optional). *phone*: A phone number that can be used to contact the customer if necessary (optional). *addrs*: A list of physical delivery addresses (1 address is required, a maximum of 3). *city*: The city or other community of the physical delivery address (required). *stateProv*: The name or code identifying the state or other administrative region required for the physical delivery address (required for most countries). *country*: The name of the country to which the product is to be delivered (required). *postalCode*: Any code that is necessary for the postal system to successfully deliver the product (required for many countries). *classification*: This is the security classification of the physical address (optional). """ msg = "Creating destination..." self.log_msg(msg, log_indent='\n\n\t', out_indent='\n') dest_info = {'type': dest_type, 'name': dest_name} if dest_type.lower() == 'ftp': hostname = kwargs.get('hostname') username = kwargs.get('username') password = kwargs.get('password') string_val = kwargs.get('string_val') path = kwargs.get('path') can_edit = kwargs.get('can_edit') dest_info['hostname'] = hostname dest_info['username'] = username dest_info['password'] = password dest_info['stringValue'] = string_val if path: dest_info['path'] = path dest_info['canEdit'] = can_edit else: customer_name = kwargs.get('customer_name') contact_email = kwargs.get('contact_email') organization = kwargs.get('organization') phone = kwargs.get('phone') addrs = kwargs.get('addrs') city = kwargs.get('city') state_prov = kwargs.get('state_prov') country = kwargs.get('country') postal_code = kwargs.get('postal_code') classification = kwargs.get('classification') dest_info['customerName'] = customer_name dest_info['contactEmail'] = contact_email if organization: dest_info['organization'] = organization if phone: dest_info['phone'] = phone dest_info['addr1'] = addrs[0] if len(addrs) > 1: for idx, a in enumerate(addrs[1:3]): dest_info[f'addr{idx + 2}'] = a dest_info['city'] = city dest_info['stateProv'] = state_prov dest_info['country'] = country dest_info['postalCode'] = postal_code if classification: dest_info['classification'] = classification # Set the RAPI URL dest_url = f"{self.rapi_root}/order/destinations/{dest_type}/" \ f"{dest_name}" dest_json = json.dumps(dest_info) dest_res = self._submit(dest_url, 'put', dest_json) if self.err_occurred: return None if isinstance(dest_res, QueryError): self.err_msg = f"Could not update destination due to " \ f"'{dest_res.get_msgs(True)}'." self.err_occurred = True self.log_msg(self.err_msg, 'error') return None return dest_res
[docs] def retrieve_destinations(self, collection=None, record_id=None): """ Retrieves a list of order destinations for the current profile. :param collection: The Collection Id. If this value is set, then the record_id must be set as well. :type collection: str :param record_id: The Record Id for a specific image. If this value is set, then the collection must be set as well. """ msg = "Retrieving list of destinations..." self.log_msg(msg, log_indent='\n\n\t', out_indent='\n') if collection is not None: self._rapi_url = f"{self.rapi_root}/order/destinations?" \ f"collection={collection}&recordId={record_id}" else: self._rapi_url = f"{self.rapi_root}/order/destinations" self.results = self._submit(self._rapi_url) if self.err_occurred: return None if isinstance(self.results, QueryError): self.msg = self.results.get_msgs() self.log_msg(self.msg, 'warning') return {'errors': self.msg} return self.results
[docs] def search_url(self, url, **kwargs): """ Submits a URL to the RAPI. :param url: A valid RAPI URL (with or without the path) :type url: str :param kwargs: Options include:<br> filters (dict): A dictionary of filters and values for the RAPI.<br> features (list): A list of geometries for the query.<br> dates (list): A list of date range dictionaries containing keys 'start' and 'end'.<br> :type kwargs: dict """ if url.find("?") > -1: query_str = url.split('?')[1] else: query_str = url params = {p.split('=')[0]: urllib.parse.unquote_plus('='.join( p.split('=')[1:])) for p in query_str.split('&')} self.collection = params['collection'] filters = kwargs.get('filters') features = kwargs.get('features') dates = kwargs.get('dates') if filters is not None or features is not None or dates is not None: query = params.get('query') if query is None: params['query'] = self._parse_query(filters, features, dates) else: params['query'] = '%s AND %s' % (query, self._parse_query( filters, features, dates)) if 'maxResults' in params.keys(): self.max_results = int(params['maxResults']) else: self.max_results = 20 if 'format' not in params: params['format'] = 'json' result_field = params.get('resultField') if result_field is None: result_fields = [] footprint_id = self._get_field_id('Footprint', self.collection) if self.err_occurred: return None if footprint_id is not None: result_fields.append(footprint_id) pixspace_id = self._get_field_id('Spatial Resolution', self.collection) if self.err_occurred: return None if pixspace_id is not None: result_fields.append(pixspace_id) else: result_fields = result_field.split(',') footprint_id = self._get_field_id('Footprint', self.collection) if self.err_occurred: return None if footprint_id is not None: if footprint_id not in result_fields: result_fields.append(footprint_id) pixspace_id = self._get_field_id('Spatial Resolution', self.collection) if self.err_occurred: return None if pixspace_id is not None: if pixspace_id not in result_fields: result_fields.append(pixspace_id) if result_field is not None and len(result_field) > 0: params['resultField'] = ','.join(result_fields) query_str = urlencode(params) self._rapi_url = f"{self.rapi_root}/search?{query_str}" # Clear self.search_results self.search_results = [] msg = f"Searching for {self.collection} images on RAPI" self.log_msg(msg, log_indent='\n\n\t', out_indent='\n') logger.debug(f"RAPI URL:\n\n{self._rapi_url}\n") print(f"RAPI URL:\n\n{self._rapi_url}\n") # Send the query to the RAPI self._submit_search() if self.err_occurred: return None self.res_mdata = None if isinstance(self.search_results, QueryError): msgs = self.search_results.get_msgs() if isinstance(msgs, list): self.log_msg(': '.join(msgs), 'warning') else: self.log_msg(msgs, 'warning') return {'errors': msg} self.msg = f"Number of {self.collection} images returned from RAPI: " \ f"{len(self.search_results)}" self.log_msg(self.msg) self.results += self.search_results
[docs] def search(self, collection, filters=None, features=None, dates=None, result_fields=None, max_results=None): """ Sends a search to the RAPI to search for image results. :param collection: The Collection ID for the query. :type collection: str :param filters: A dictionary of query filters and values in the following format: ``{"|filter title|": ("|operator|", ["value1", "value2", ...]), ...}`` Example: .. code-block:: python {"Beam Mnemonic": {'=': []}} :type filters: dict :param features: A list of tuples containing the operator and filenames or coordinates of features to use in the search. The features can be: - a filename (ESRI Shapefile, KML, GML or GeoJSON) - a WKT format string - the 'geometry' entry from a GeoJSON Feature - a list of coordinates (ex: ``[(x1, y1), (x2, y2), ...]``) :type features: list :param dates: A list of date range dictionaries with keys ``start`` and ``end``. The values of the ``start`` and ``end`` can either be a string in format ``yyyymmdd_hhmmss`` or a datetime.datetime object. Example: .. code-block:: python [{"start": "20201013_120000", "end": "20201013_150000"}] :type dates: list :param result_fields: A name of a field to include in the query results. :type result_fields: str :param max_results: The maximum number of results to return from the query. :type max_results: str or int """ # Get the proper Collection ID for the RAPI if result_fields is None: result_fields = [] self.collection = self.get_collection_id(collection) if self.collection is None or self.err_occurred: return None params = {'collection': self.collection} if filters is not None or features is not None or dates is not None: params['query'] = self._parse_query(filters, features, dates) if self.err_occurred: return None # print(f"query: {params['query']}") if isinstance(result_fields, str): result_fields = [result_fields] result_field = [] for field in result_fields: field_id = self._get_field_id(field, field_type='results') if self.err_occurred: return None if field_id is None: self.msg = f"Field '{field}'' does not exist for collection " \ f"'{self.collection}'. Excluding it from resultField " \ f"entry." self.log_msg(self.msg, 'warning') else: result_field.append(field_id) # Get the geometry field and add it to resultField footprint_id = self._get_field_id('Footprint', field_type='results') if self.err_occurred: return None if footprint_id is not None: result_field.append(footprint_id) # Get the pixel spacing field and add it to resultField pixspace_id = self._get_field_id('Spatial Resolution', field_type='results') if self.err_occurred: return None if pixspace_id is not None: result_field.append(pixspace_id) # Get the pixel spacing field and add it to resultField dl_id = self._get_field_id('Download Link', field_type='results') if self.err_occurred: return None if dl_id is not None: result_field.append(dl_id) params['resultField'] = ','.join(result_field) params['maxResults'] = self.limit_interval if max_results is None or max_results == '': self.max_results = None else: self.max_results = int(max_results) if self.max_results is not None: params['maxResults'] = self.max_results \ if int(self.max_results) < int(self.limit_interval) \ else self.limit_interval params['format'] = "json" query_str = urlencode(params) self._rapi_url = f"{self.rapi_root}/search?{query_str}" # Clear self.search_results self.search_results = [] msg = f"Searching for {self.collection} images on RAPI" self.log_msg(msg, log_indent='\n\n\t', out_indent='\n') logger.debug(f"RAPI URL:\n\n{self._rapi_url}\n") # Send the query to the RAPI self._submit_search() self.res_mdata = None if isinstance(self.search_results, QueryError): msgs = self.search_results.get_msgs() if isinstance(msgs, list): self.log_msg(': '.join(msgs), 'warning') else: self.log_msg(msgs, 'warning') return {'errors': msgs} search_total = len(self.search_results) self.msg = f"Number of {self.collection} images returned from RAPI: " \ f"{search_total}" self.log_msg(self.msg) self.results += self.search_results return search_total
[docs] def reset(self): """ Resets specific values for the EODMSRAPI. :return: n/a """ self.clear_results() self.err_msg = None self.msg = '' self.err_occurred = False self.auth_err = False self.order_json = None self.search_results = None
[docs] def clear_results(self): """ Clears the cumulative results. :return: n/a """ self.results = []
[docs] def get_results(self, form='raw', show_progress=True): """ Gets the self.results in a given format :param form: The type of format to return. Available options: - ``raw``: Returns the JSON results straight from the RAPI. - ``brief``: Returns the JSON results with the 'raw' metadata but in the field convention. - ``full``: Returns a JSON with full metadata information. - ``geojson``: Returns a FeatureCollection of the results (requires geojson package). :type form: str :param show_progress: Determines whether to show progress while fetching metadata :type show_progress: bool :return: A dictionary of the results from self.results variable. :rtype: dict """ if self.results is None: self.msg = "No results exist. Please use search() to run a " \ "search on the RAPI." self.log_msg(self.msg, 'warning') return None if isinstance(self.results, QueryError): return [{'errors': self.results.get_msgs()}] if len(self.results) == 0: return self.results self.res_format = form if self.res_format == 'full': if self.res_mdata is None: self.res_mdata = self._fetch_metadata( show_progress=show_progress) if self.err_occurred: return None return self.res_mdata elif self.res_format == 'geojson': if self.res_mdata is None: self.res_mdata = self._fetch_metadata( show_progress=show_progress) if self.err_occurred: return None return self.geo.convert_to_geojson(self.res_mdata) elif self.res_format == 'brief': conv_res = [] for res in self.results: mdata = self.parse_metadata(res) conv_res.append(mdata) self.results = conv_res return self.results else: return self.results
[docs] def print_results(self, results=None): """ Pretty prints the specified results. :param results: A JSON of results from the RAPI. :type results: dict """ if results is None: results = self.get_results('full') print(json.dumps(results, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False))
[docs] def remove_duplicate_orders(self, orders): """ Removes any duplicate images from a list of orders :param orders: A list of orders. :type orders: list :return: A unique list of orders :rtype: list """ # Get duplicate record IDs rec_ids = [o['recordId'] for o in orders] dup_ids = list(set([x for x in rec_ids if rec_ids.count(x) > 1])) unique_orders = [] for o in orders: rec_id = o['recordId'] if rec_id in dup_ids: # For the duplicate, get the latest order filt_ords = [order for order in orders if order['recordId'] == rec_id] for order in filt_ords: if 'dateRapiOrdered' in order.keys(): order['dateSubmitted'] = order['dateRapiOrdered'] del order['dateRapiOrdered'] if 'dateSubmitted' in filt_ords[0]: date_sort = sorted(filt_ords, key=lambda d: d['dateSubmitted'], reverse=True) else: date_sort = filt_ords if rec_id not in [order['recordId'] for order in unique_orders]: unique_orders.append(date_sort[0]) else: unique_orders.append(o) return unique_orders
[docs] def order(self, results, priority="Medium", parameters=None, destinations=None): """ Sends an order to EODMS using the RAPI. :param results: A list of JSON results from the RAPI. The results list must contain a ``collectionId`` key and a ``recordId`` key for each image. :type results: list :param priority: Determines the priority of the order. If you'd like to specify a separate priority for each image, pass a list of dictionaries containing the ``recordId`` (matching the IDs in results) and ``priority``, such as: .. code-block:: python [{"recordId": 7627902, "priority": "Low"}, ...] Priority options: "Low", "Medium", "High" or "Urgent" :type priority: str or list :param parameters: Either a list of parameters or a list of record items. Use the get_order_parameters method to get a list of available parameters. **Parameter list**: ``[{"|internalName|": "|value|"}, ...]`` Example: .. code-block:: python [ {"packagingFormat": "TARGZ"}, {"NOTIFICATION_EMAIL_ADDRESS": ""}, ...] **Parameters for each record**: ``[{"recordId": |recordId|, "parameters": [{"|internalName|": "|value|"}, ...]}]`` Example: .. code-block:: python [ {"recordId": 7627902, "parameters": [{"packagingFormat": "TARGZ"}, ...]} ] :type parameters: list :param destinations: A JSON representation of an array of order destinations :type destinations: list """ if destinations is None: destinations = [] msg = "Submitting order items..." self.log_msg(msg, log_indent='\n\n\t', out_indent='\n') # Add the 'Content-Type' option to the header self._session.headers.update({'Content-Type': 'application/json'}) # Create the items from the list of results coll_key = self.get_conv('collectionId') recid_key = self.get_conv('recordId') items = [] for r in results: # Set the Collection ID and Record ID item = {'collectionId': r[coll_key], 'recordId': r[recid_key]} # Set the priority if priority is not None and not priority.lower() == 'medium': item['priority'] = priority.title() if 'priority' in r.keys(): item['priority'] = r[self.get_conv('priority')].title() # Set parameters if parameters is not None: item['parameters'] = parameters if 'parameters' in r.keys(): item['parameters'] = r[self.get_conv('parameters')] if item['collectionId'] == 'NAPL': params = item.get('parameters') if params is None: params = [] params.append({"MediaType": "DIGITAL"}) params.append({"FreeMode": "true"}) item['parameters'] = params items.append(item) # Create the dictionary for the POST request JSON self.order_json = [{"destinations": destinations, "items": items[i:i + 100]} for i in range(0, len(items), 100)] # Set the RAPI URL for the POST self._rapi_url = f"{self.rapi_root}/order" logger.debug(f"RAPI URL:\n\n{self._rapi_url}\n") # Send the JSON request to the RAPI time_submitted = # order_res = None all_items = [] for p in self.order_json: # Dump the dictionary into a JSON object post_json = json.dumps(p) logger.debug(f"RAPI POST:\n\n{post_json}\n") order_res = self._submit(self._rapi_url, 'POST', post_json) if self.err_occurred: return None if order_res is None: err = self._get_exception(order_res) if isinstance(err, list): self.msg = '; '.join(err) self.log_msg(self.msg, 'warning') return self.msg if isinstance(order_res, requests.Response) and not order_res.ok: self.err_msg = "Order submission failed." self.log_msg(self.err_msg, 'error') self.err_occurred = True return self.err_msg # Add the time the order was submitted items = order_res['items'] for i in items: i['dateRapiOrdered'] = time_submitted all_items += items final_res = {'items': all_items} self.msg = "Order submitted successfully." self.log_msg(self.msg) return final_res